The methodology for performing internal audit work in the company was built from the risk management approach that guides the firm's employees, within which a comprehensive risk survey for processes will be carried out that maps the processes, exposures, existing controls and residual risk. Depending on the level of residual risk and the risk in substance, the multi-year audit plan or the plan in the specific audit is determined. In combination with automated tools for establishing and quantifying the findings.
have extensive experience in performing internal audits in financial institutions Secaudit employees
(Banks, insurance companies and investment houses)
Hi-tech companies, communications, industry, local authorities and government bodies.
Internal audit services include:
Building a risk assessment methodology and building work plans accordingly
Performing audits for the internal audit
Assessing the existing controls in the organization and strengthening them with recommendations to improve the controls
Outsource of CA skilled in internal audit including internal audit and data investigation
Assessing the existing controls in the organization and strengthening them with recommendations to improve the controls.